KAARO KARUNGI | NEWS –The Police Fire and rescue services have this Tuesday morning responded to a fire outbreak at King’s college Buddo in Wakiso district.
Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police Spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigire said ‘the fire is believed to have started from one building housing the Senior three and one dormitories at around 7:00am” while students were engaged in their morning preparations.
“So far, fire and rescue have managed to contain the fire from spreading any further,” said Owoyesigire.
Videos from the scene show huge plumes of smoke billowing into the sky as fire ravages Grace House – a girls’ dormitory.
No casualties have been reported so far.
Kings College Budo is located about 12km west of Kampala, in Nsangi subcounty wakiso district.
It was founded in 1906 by the Church Missionary Society(CMS).
It was built on land donated by the Kabaka of Buganda.
The original vision was to train sons of Kings and Chiefs, therefore it began as a boys’ school.
In 1934, girls were admitted as well, thus became co-educational. It is now a government aided A- Level mixed Boarding school under Church of Uganda ( Anglican ) of Namirembe Diocese.
The school is rated as one of the best performing academic institutions in our country.