1. Ministry of Water and Transport will be responsible for issuing movement permits for 10% of the crucial staff within all Ministries, departments and Agencies (MDA) through an online system.
2. In the districts, the movement permits for health and frontline workers, both in public and private health facilities will be issued by the DHOs.
3. All health workers should move with the movement permit, their work identification cards and those without should those be given authorization letters by the heads of the health facilities to enable easy movement to their respective facilities.
4. In Kampala, health workers should move with both their work IDs and national IDs between today and Monday as they wait for movement permits to be issued by the Ministry of Works and transport.
5. The responsible officer/ person in the health facility/ institution will download a movement request form from The Ministry of Works and Transport website. This form should be filled & submitted to the same link with names of health workers and other essential workers working throughout this period.
6. The Ministry of Works and Transport will either accept or deny permission of the request. Feedback will be communicated through the same link where a movement permit will be generated once permission is granted.
7. The movement permit will have a QR code which can be used to verify the particulars and validity of the permit. The permit will still be down loaded from the MoWT provided online link.
8. Patients going to hospital for drug refills, scheduled appointments and treatment shall be able to use the available mode of transport at their own cost provided they have proof of their medical records.
9. Vehicles and boda bodas will only be allowed to carry patients on recommendation of a health worker, LC1 chairman at a village level.
10. On COVID-19 vaccination, the Ministry of Health will in due course provide a comprehensive plan for those due for their second dose and for the priority groups.