The stores team at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has come under scrutiny for distributing more than 5,000 iron sheets to beneficiaries based on telephone calls and WhatsApp messages. This approach has been described as “highly irregular” and in breach of public service standing orders on the management of government property.
In an official explanation requested by OPM Permanent Secretary Keith Muhakanizi, the senior inventory management officer noted that an aide to Karamoja Affairs minister and another official informed them that beneficiaries of 12,200 iron sheets would be arriving to pick up the items subject to guidance. The official explained that based on WhatsApp messages from the aide, they issued the iron sheets to beneficiaries sent by the personal assistant to the Minister for Karamoja Affairs. However, on February 8, 2023, they received a call from the Accounting Officer/Under-Secretary (F&A) halting any further release until further notice. By this time, 5,500 G28 corrugated pre-painted iron sheets had already been distributed.
The list of recipients included several government officials, including Karamoja Affairs Minister Goretti Kitutu, First Deputy Prime Minister Rebecca Kadaga, State Minister for Primary Education Moriku Kaducu, Third Deputy Prime Minister Rukia Nakadama, Finance Minister Hon Matia Kasaija, Finance State minister Amos Lugoloobi, Government Chief Whip Hamson Obua, and junior Agriculture Minister Bwino Kyagulaga. While some recipients acknowledged receiving the iron plates, they did not confirm whether the shipments were originally intended for Karamoja and stated that they had distributed them to schools and health centers in their constituencies.
The inventory manager explained that they based their decision to issue the iron sheets to the beneficiaries on verbal and WhatsApp communication from the personal assistant to the Minister of Karamoja Affairs. The OPM team’s approach has been called “very unusual” by a senior official familiar with government accounting procedures, who argued that the request should have been written with a properly signed distribution list.
Two senior OPM officials have confirmed the authenticity of the memo.