KAARO KARUNGI | TOORO KINDOOM – The king of Tooro, Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru 4 is not holding any public activities to celebrate his 29th birthday.
The kingdom’s information minister Charles Mwanguhya says this is in order to conform to the standard operating procedures and curb the spread of covid19 and related new variants.
He however says the king has advised the people of Uganda not to take the easing of covid-19 measures for granted but rather take personal initiative to protect themselves and follow all covid-19 guidelines put in place by the government.
The King has also rallied the youth in Uganda and the world to guard against contracting HIV/Aids, and work hard to ensure the development of the country.
The 29-year-old King ascended the throne at the age of three in 1995.
Mwanguhya meanwhile says they are monitoring the covid19 situation to decide on how best to celebrate the 26th coronation anniversary of the king due in September.