KAARO KARUNGI | NEWS – A woman in Kirinyaga County gave birth to identical triplets at Kerugoya Referral Hospital on April 22, after suffering three miscarriages.
Grace Wambui, 32, had failed to deliver another baby after giving birth to her firstborn daughter 12 years ago.
The three new born babies named Sharteen Nyakio, Shantel Nyambura and Sharon Nyawira weighed 1.57kg, 1.57kg and 1.56kg, respectively.
Doctors put them in incubators as they weighed less than 3.5kgs, the average weight for babies.
“I could not believe it until I saw them. I was told the babies were in good condition but they had to remain in the incubators for a whole month until they each get two kilos of weight
“My late grandmother who I was named after had twins. This means that we are a blessed family,” Wambui stated on Friday, May 28.
She recalled how she and her husband, Peter Muthii, were surprised when the doctors announced that she had conceived and would give birth to triplets.
The news came as a shock for the whole family and relatives too . As much as they were excited, they understood that it would be tough for them to provide basic needs for the girls.
“I was worried and stressed on how I will feed my children. We are not financially able,” she lamented.
Both Wambui and the husband do manual and menial jobs in the county.
“Life is very difficult for me and my husband. We need support to raise our children,” Wambui urged, adding that her parents had accepted to accommodate her for some period of time as she figures her next step.